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Unveiling the Power of a Declutter: A New Year’s Resolution for Homeowners

In the quiet corners of every home, stories unfold. The dusty bookshelves, the forgotten corners of the loft, each item whispers a tale. As the New Year dawns, there’s a profound desire for renewal, a chance to rewrite the narratives within our home. Homeownership is an ongoing narrative, and what better way to start a new chapter than by having a good declutter?

According to a recent survey in the US by the National Association of Realtors, 87% of homeowners feel a decluttered home positively impacts their well-being. It’s not just tidying up; it’s a transformative journey.

With the new year upon us, taking a planned approach to a declutter within the home can be great for the mind as well as space!

Unveiling the Impact of  Decluttering

In the quest for a harmonious home, decluttering emerges as a beacon of change. According to a study conducted by IKEA, the average homeowner spends 12 days per year looking for misplaced items. Imagine the time and stress saved by streamlining your living spaces. To declutter is more than just a physical transformation; it’s a mental reset, offering a sense of control and tranquillity.

The Psychology of Space

Psychology Today notes that a cluttered home can contribute to elevated stress levels and a sense of feeling overwhelmed. The New Year brings an opportunity to reclaim your space, a chance to curate an environment that nurtures positivity and creativity. Decluttering isn’t just about getting rid of things; it’s about making room for a more fulfilling and intentional lifestyle.

How to Declutter your home

Follow these steps to declutter effectively and create a more organised living space:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your decluttering objectives. Whether it’s creating more space, improving functionality, or achieving a minimalist aesthetic, having clear goals will guide your efforts.

  2. Start Small: Tackling an entire home can be overwhelming. Begin with a small, manageable area, like a wardrobe or a single room. This allows you to focus on one task at a time and experience the satisfaction of completion.

  3. Sort Items: Divide belongings into categories such as keep, donate, sell, and discard. Be honest about items’ usefulness and sentimental value. If you haven’t used or appreciated something in a while, it may be time to part with it.

  4. Declutter by Room: Focus on one room at a time to maintain a systematic approach. This prevents the chaos of temporarily relocating items from one room to another and ensures steady progress.

  5. Create Designated Spaces: Allocate specific places for frequently used items. This minimises clutter and makes it easier to find what you need. Consider storage solutions like bins, shelves, and baskets to keep things organised.

  6. Establish a Routine: Regularly declutter to prevent accumulation. Set aside time each week to address clutter-prone areas and maintain the order you’ve established.

  7. Digital Declutter: Extend decluttering to your digital life. Organise files on your computer, delete unnecessary emails, and streamline your digital devices. A clutter-free digital space contributes to a clearer mind.

  8. Sentimental Items: Sentimental items can be the most challenging to declutter. Keep those that truly hold significant meaning and consider repurposing or photographing others to preserve the memories without the physical clutter.

  9. Donate or Sell: Items in good condition that you no longer need can find new homes through donations or selling. It’s a sustainable way to declutter while helping others and, in the case of selling, even making a bit of money.

Remember, the goal is not just to tidy up but to create a living space that enhances your well-being. Decluttering is a continuous journey, so celebrate the progress you make along the way, and enjoy the benefits of a more organised and harmonious home.

Declutter with Infinity Home Services: Your Home Transformation Partner

If the task feels overwhelming, consider hiring professional organisers or decluttering services. Infinity Home Services brings expertise and efficiency to the process, ensuring a streamlined and effective outcome. Our cleaning and decluttering team can provide a declutter which is second to none, and is designed to cater to the unique needs of homeowners. With a team of experts skilled in space optimisation, we guide you through the process, ensuring that every item finds its place or purpose.

Finding those Hidden Gems

When undertaking a declutter, it’s often amazing how you find those forgotten items and trinkets; evidence of hobbies long forgotten that have been hidden away – a snowboard, drumsticks; you know the sort. If you’ve no use for the items now or in the immediate future, unless they have real sentimental value, why are you hanging onto them?

Having a cathartic declutter can also swell your coffers. The old saying that ‘one man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure‘ has never been truer; whether items go to a new user or for upcycling, everything has a value. Sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree and Ebay all enable us to quickly list items and get them sold quickly. Of course, charity shops are also always looking for sources of new stock and can quickly take your hoards off of your hands.

The Ripple Effect on Home Value

A clutter-free home not only benefits your well-being but also adds tangible value to your property. The National Association of Realtors in the US reports that staged homes, often a result of an effective declutter, sell 73% faster than non-staged homes. The investment in decluttering pays off not just in a more peaceful living space but also in potential returns when it’s time to sell.

Embracing Clarity in the New Year

As you stand on the threshold of a new year, consider the narratives embedded in the walls of your home. Decluttering is a powerful tool, offering a chance to script a tale of simplicity, serenity, and purpose. Infinity Home Services stands ready to help you embark on this transformative journey, turning clutter into clarity. Because as you declutter your home, you’re not just organising your space – you’re crafting a story of renewal and possibility. What chapter will you write this year?

If you want to start your clear-out today, either call Infinity Home Services today on 0800 148 8088 or complete the form below:

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